Thursday, February 19, 2009


Adsense is a text base of delivered by Google, today is leading search engine. The ads come usually in the form of the leader board (728*90), standard banners (468*60), sky crape (120*600), and inline triangle (300*250). The colors of the ad box and fonts can be customized to fit or contrast with the sites color scheme, which ever the user chooses. The underlying thinking is an ad targeted to the audience of a web page will generate higher response. Ads placed in context ultimately because a content point, seemingly blending with the content of the page that the users is visiting. This in form increases the ads relevancy. The more relevant an ad is to the page, the higher effectiveness and click through rate and the greater the income potential. That means more clicks through for the advertisers and more dollars for the publisher. One internet guru described adsense as a money machine were you simply sit back and watch the money roll in and for the right website adsense is providing to be a most cash generator free and easy to join and implement, adsence offers website owners of on going advertisers that will never run dry. Adsense is not for everybody. Just as the initial euphoria has leveled off, complaints of Adsense's inability to serve them the right ads or any at all can be heard on various discussion boards and forums. Some sites complain of not getting any ads. Worse, some are getting ads from charity organizations, which are non paying ads.
Your income will also be commensurate to the level of traffic that your site generates. The more traffic you have, the greater the potential income. A site that attracts 1 million impressions has the potential to earn more, (even at a 2.5% click through rate) compared to a site that attracts 1,000 impressions per month. Unless the smaller site has higher paying keywords and better click through rates. Higher click through rates, however, are subject to tighter security by Google,a site suspected of fraudulent clicks can be kicked out from the program.

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